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Stress Related Burnout
I was forced out of a scientific career of 15 years, after severe stress-related burnout. I resigned myself to “no-brain work” for the rest of my life. After years of trying different things, one week on CogniTrue restored my brain function to around 95% of where I once was.
I was a data scientist and scientific software developer, also a workaholic. I worked crazy hours and took on all kinds of projects. Self-care was never a priority, I had to learn it the hard way. One morning, after months of extreme stress and overloading my memory, I awoke in a fog. I didn’t know who I was, where I was, and deep inside my skull was a very hot, dense spot. I felt I had literally blown a fuse. In the following days I lost my ability to do math and developed severe memory issues, impaired speech, even impaired walking and driving sometimes. I had to read articles 8 times or more before I could really grasp what they were saying. I started forgetting key steps of workflows I had been doing daily for years, and not even realizing it, until others pointed out my mistakes in meetings. I had to write absolutely everything down, otherwise I couldn’t remember the content of conversations from the day before, or even that conversations had happened. I stopped learning anything new. Eventually I had to leave my job because I simply couldn’t do it anymore.
I visited multiple neurologists and psychiatrists. Stroke, Alzheimer’s and early onset dementia were ruled out.
I tried months of biweekly neurofeedback sessions and found my brain’s frequency distribution was basically backwards, over-enriched for high beta and very deficient in theta/delta in all regions. The sessions produced a lot of interesting experiences, but didn’t really help.
My first ray of hope came when I went to a joint doctor for knee pain and started on a prescription painkiller. Within 24 hours, I had half my mind back. It was shocking and my neurologists didn’t know anything about it. I did find a dozen papers investigating cognitive improvement with this drug, so it is a known side effect. It proved that my problem was, fundamentally, inflammation. Unfortunately, this painkiller isn’t prescribed long-term, due to toxicity.
My second ray of hope came when one neurologist decided against testing and just threw pills at it, prescribing an anti-dementia medication. The benefit was massive — I felt I had 75% of my mind back, and could quit the painkiller. I felt very fortunate, because my other neurologists were surprised that this medication worked, and said they wouldn’t have prescribed it.
I spent several years researching neuroinflammation and trying dozens of supplements and medications. Most had little effect. But all of this together was still not enough.
I started taking CogniTrue after my mother sent me a bottle to try. I ignored it at first because I was already taking a patented, high-powered, turmeric-based supplement. It worked miracles for my body over the years. It also relaxed my mind, but didn’t fix it. I switched to CogniTrue, and in less than a week it drastically improved my short-term memory, focus, ability to absorb information, and hold large, complex ideas in my head. It restored a sense of self I hadn’t realized I’d lost, until it came back.
It didn’t click until my driving habits changed — I was always the one who flies by you at 90 on the highway — but I haven’t driven like that in years, because I lost my situational awareness and ability to process spatial information at speed. It was a shock when it dawned on me in the middle of the road that my old driving habits were back, and for that matter, so was the rest of me. I actually had to pull off the road because I started crying so hard. It was all so sudden and unexpected, not even a week in.
In just two months, I have been able to return to programming, reading scientific literature and understanding it, and even completing online certificates in cybersecurity and technical writing. I still struggle with some things, but the fact I can return to my old expertise is more than I ever thought I would have. I’m still kind of stunned that something like CogniTrue exists. I owe it my life.
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My wife and I started using cognitrue about a month ago. She has noticed an increased clarity of thinking and it seems to be helping with her forgetfulness. I have had a decrease in A1c and liver function tests- in fact for the first time in 35 years, my liver function tests ALL came back in the normal range! My hope is that this trend continues and my A1c drops well within the normal range!
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I can now find my glasses, pen, keys, and the thought that was suspended in midair while conversing, thanks to CogniTrue. I’ve only been taking it for 2 months, I’m pleased and surprised! I also feel very rested on waking, ready to go. Can’t wait to see what other benefits may show up. I’m very grateful, this is a high quality product, it really gives results. Thank you.
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Cognitrue has provided me with better
focus, increased my energy and less
aching from osteopenia. I’ve been using
it for about 5 months.
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CogniTrue began making a positive different nearly immediately. Within the first week I noticed a significant increase in my mental energy, physical staminia, and ability to focus on conversations and mental tasks. After taking CogniTrue for two weeks, I noticed that the general achiness that I usually had was significantly less. Also, the feeling of being mentally dull, that is gone. Now I am able to remain focused for much longer periods of time. Before taking CogniTrue I was finished with my work day by 5:00 pm and unable to continue. Now I am back to enjoying late night work sprees.
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The product is amazing and works.